Step data were collected in both managed (laboratory) and free-living (home) conditions. Participants were old community-dwelling adults residing in the Perth (Western Australia) metropolitan area. These were recruited through convenience sampling through: advertisements on an area radio station and in elderly people’ electronic newsletter; posters; and, by word-of-mouth in a local retirement town. The same participants required part in both laboratory and free-living assessments.
Participants approached the researchers directly by telephone after studying the study from one of the many forms of advertising defined above. Each participant received an information sheet and consent form (either via email or email) and were given the chance to ask questions prior to providing written, informed consent. For the laboratory trial each 2MWT for each participant was video documented. The same method was implemented in this present study for both 2MWT one (2MWT(1) and 2MWT two (2MWT(2)) with 7 days between matters.
GENEactiv (wrist-worn) accelerometers were also worn during the 2MWT and over the 14-day period on a single wrist as the fitness tracker. The GENEactiv information motion at 30hz and was collapsed into 60-s epochs for data handling. ‘Gold standard’ measure for the 14-day free-living area of the study.
Moderate-to-Vigorous PHYSICAL EXERCISE (MVPA) per day were all measured using the accelerometer total physical exercise and sleep in minutes. It must be acknowledged that the GENEactiv may not be the ‘gold standard’ for measuring sleep. However, this isn’t the aim of the scholarly research. The 2MWT was completed twice by participants.
- Return slowly to the starting position as you breathe in while cutting your pumps
- We offer reduced self-pay pricing deals to help you gain access to care and attention
- Complete a quiz following orientation
- Hand x-ray for bone age group – child
Participants were asked to stand (immediately behind the starting series) and become still while the amount of steps for each of the four Fitbit devices was recorded and the beginning time mentioned. After completing both 2MWTs individuals were provided with an arbitrarily allocated Flex or ChargeHR fitness tracker and an accelerometer to wear for 14-days (including sleeping). The only exception was to eliminate when in drinking water (e.g. shower or swimming).
Each participant was given instructions (written and verbal) about how to use the allocated fitness tracker and apps (it was downloaded on their behalf where possible) and included instructions on how to charge it (every second day). Each participant was given either which wrist they preferred to wear the fitness tracker and accelerometer on and were asked to keep it on that same wrist for 14-days and complete their daily routines as typical.
After 14-days a researcher gathered the fitness tracker, accelerometer, and repeated the PASE with each participant. As physical exercise can be an episodic behavior and averaging activity metrics over 14-times would eliminate the actual variation within every individual correlations between daily Fitbit metrics and GENEactiv metrics were computed within each individual and then analyzed across participants. The mean of these correlations (and range) were then calculated and the proportion of the correlations that were significant at the 0.05 level for each pairwise relationship are offered in the results.