Get Paid For Your Photos

This is a very interesting way to generate income online. Make Money online with your photos. ’t find for free but there was plenty from it for a small price? ’s the complete point and when you consider the amount of world wide Internet users who might buy that image, it is so obvious that this is a simple but quite effective revenue generating system. Thanks to the many websites, today it’s easier than ever to generate income online for your pictures as well as for the same reason there is a great deal of competition of course.

One of the best ways to increase your revenue is the referral program. 80% of these websites offer referral prize, so take benefit of this chance to refer people both the image buyer and the image seller and generate income. ’t be timid to put your referral hyperlink in your blog or website or even in your email (please don’t spam others). Remember, selling and claiming images that are not yours is a crime and will have its implications.

1. shutterstock You can find three ways to make money with this program: refer photographers(earn 3 cents per photo sold by professional photographers you send) , refer Stock Buyers (make 20% off their subscriptions), and submit photos on the market! 25 cents every right time one of your images is downloaded. 3. dreamstime Earn 50-80% from each image sold.

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3 per image sold. 15 per photo ,but as as you hit 100 sales soon, you’ll earn 30% commission . ’ll sell. and easy uploading process fast. 6. photostockplus 85% fee on all sales. 3.25% handling charge on each sale. 7. 123royaltyfree Earn 50% on each picture downloaded. 15% of their purchase or membership. 10% of the price of each of their photo downloaded. 10 in royalties, you will be paid in paypal.

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